

Unique overnight stay in an airplane with control tower! Space for 7 people, adventure and comfort guaranteed!

  • 7 persons
U2 Bus

U2 Bus

Sleep like a rock star in the legendary U2 tour bus - comfortable, spacious and suitable for the whole family!

  • 6 persons


Spend the night in the coziest tram in the Netherlands - attractively furnished, heated and perfect for 6 people!

  • 6 persons
Mikojan-Goerevitsj MIG-23

Mikojan-Goerevitsj MIG-23

Always wanted to sleep with a real jet fighter? Our MiG-23 was once a training aircraft in East Germany and now offers a unique shelter for an atmospheric overnight stay.

  • 6 persons


Spend the night in a real Lynx helicopter of the RAF (British Royal Air Force). Known from the movie "The Lake.

  • 2 persons